Water Treatment for the Food and Beverage Industry
Water Treatment for Food and Beverage
Boilers are an essential part of the food and beverage industry. Whether for bottling, baking, canning or any of the other many facets of the food and beverage industries, boilers can play a huge role. Like in other industries, boilers are faced with some common issues associated with high-temperature water, such as scaling and corrosion. Unlike in other industries, however, boilers in the food and beverage industry may have additional special treatment needs. For example, if a boiler is used to produce culinary steam, (steam used directly in food processes), there may be some restrictions on what water treatment methods can be used for food safety reasons.

What Is Boiler Water Treatment?

Boiler water treatment is a process that protects boilers from water-related issues. Boilers utilize heat and water to perform a variety of functions across many different applications. Because water can contain a number of impurities, it is possible for these impurities to concentrate over time. As the concentration increases, various minerals, including calcium carbonate, are able to slowly accumulate on the heat transfer surface and lead to scale buildup, which can significantly reduce the efficiency of the equipment. These impurities can also cause corrosion, or other types of fouling, which is never ideal. The first step of an effective water treatment program is always a system audit to determine what challenges a system faces and how to most effectively treat the water.
Our Treatment Methods
Depending on the application, boiler type, and make-up water requirements, various pre-treatment systems will be necessary to prevent scaling and other potential issues in the system. Pre-treatment could include but is not limited to filtration, water softening, Reverse Osmosis, and mixed-bed resin. Each system is different and has unique requirement for effective pre-treatment and careful attention must be paid to the system in order to prevent scaling, reduce water and chemical usage, and conserve energy. Additionally, chemical treatment options may be used after successful pre-treatment. Some products FCT Water uses include purified tannins and filming amines, among many others. Certain considerations may need to be taken for boilers in the food and beverage industry. A water treatment expert will be able to identify what treatment methods are acceptable and implement only food-and-beverage-safe treatments.